wooton-consulting Applying Analytical Chemistry to developing new methods and solving Technical
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Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrared Spectroscopy is a method for measuring the chemistry of organic molecular components. FTIR is a tool that can be applied to monitor additive depletion, organic degradation by-products and the presence of various contaminants. It is a good primary test to measure chemistry changes of the fluid basestock, in addition to identifying what degradation mechanism may be responsible for the fluid degradation. Its success is based on the fact that several oil characteristics and properties can be determined from a single measurement.

FT-IR New Oil Spectrum
showing formulation additives
Figure 1. This chart provides the spectral data about a new engine oil chemistry obtained from this technique.

New & Used Oil Comparisons
showing formulation additives
Figure 2. This graph shows information pertaining to the changes in an engine oil as a function of use.

FT-IR Spectra
new and used gear oil
Figure 3. This graph shows information pertaining to changes in a gear oil as a function of use.
Flow Electrification, ESD
Root Cause Analysis
Infrared Spectroscopy
Lube Analyses

